Hillary Clinton is the COMMON-SENSE candidate for President!!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hillary on family issues

I think Senator Clinton's greatest strength is her concern for children and education. Yet this caring attitude has been distorted by her detractors who have accused her of supporting "kiddie lib" and of trying to have the government dictate to parents how to raise their kids.

It is true that parents should not have government interference when raising their children. Our whole society is based on the family unit, and the government should not undermine it. I think we need to all agree on this, Republicans and Democrats alike! The parents are the FINAL WORD when it comes to how their kids are raised, disciplined, educated, etc. If Clinton or anyone else were to oppose this, they would certainly not receive my support!

However, Clinton has suggested that "It takes a village to raise a child". That particular quote is so profound, and so true, when you stop to think about it. People are affected by their society, in ways that are beyond the control of their parents. It's just a fact. Clinton wants (and so should us all) a society which supports young people to grow up the right way, a moral and just way. To raise kids who care about each other, about their parents, about the poor and disadvantaged in our midst, about their nation, about their environment, about their WORLD!!

At our church's baptisms, the whole congregation recites "We shall so order our lives as to support the spiritual growth and moral development of this young person" (I forget the exact quote!). In other words, good examples in society and in a young person's personal life, can make a huge difference.

So, you still say Clinton is a radical, and that she is meddling where she doesn't belong? Still say government has no business whatsoever telling a parent how to raise their kids?

Let me tell you a little story from my home town. A TRUE story. It's about a little girl from the ghetto who despite her background, worked hard and excelled at school. She was known by all as a smart kid and very bright and positive even though she came from a 1-parent family, and the single parent she did have (her mom) was a crack addict. She spent all her money on crack and did not pay the bills. The power was cut off and they had to burn candles at night. One night while their mother was out doing drugs and the kids were home alone, one of the candles fell over and set the house on fire. This wonderful young girl was burned to death along with her siblings.

Hindsight is 20-20, but honestly couldn't this family have used some intervention? Maybe not from the government but from others such as the school, church, friends or relatives who might have challenged this mother and gotten her to clean up her act, or else the children would have to live elsewhere.

I agree that government intrusion in the family unit is not a good thing, but sometimes it may have to be used as a last resort. I think that admitting to this fact does not classify one as a "meddler" or advocate of "kiddie lib". It simply means accepting common sense.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Illegal immigration

Recently, Clinton has come out strongly against illegal immigration. This has prompted some of her conservative critics to accuse her of "moving to the right" and attempt to whitewash her earlier, "left-wing" positions.

Actually, it is simply a fact that illegal immigrants are creating huge problems for this country. It makes no difference if one is Republican or Democrat, the immigration laws are there for a purpose! Unlimited immigration is simply impossible. There need to be some limits.

This does not mean we are anti-immigrant. Senator Clinton strongly believes in the symbol of this country as the beacon of freedom and opportunity it has been for generations. She does not mean to put an end to this, but rather it is her hope that many generations to come may come to America and enjoy the benefits of US citizenship.

It also does not mean she doesn't have compassion for the illegal immigrants who are al
eady in this country. It is a human tragedy that people who are desperate for freedom and opportunity and feel they have nothing to lose, so they risk all to come to this great country illegally. Often they are aided and abetted by those with evil ulterior motives who leave them helpless. She has co-sponsored bills such as the Agricultural Job Opportunity Benefits and Security Act of 2003, which give people in such difficult circumstances a chance to stay here and earn resident status if they complete a series of requirements.

Of course, this leaves Senator Clinton vulnerable to arguments that she has changed her position on immigration, which couldn't be further from the truth. It simply means we need to behave with human decency towards the people who desperately want to be part of our great nation. If they are already here, it helps to have a better choice than simply deport them.

The bottom line is, we need better enforcement. Those who are already here illegally, we need to have a process in place to deal with them fairly and consistenly. For those who have yet to breach our borders, we need a better way to stop them. The message we are trying to convey is, you can come here, but you need to follow the process and wait your turn!!! We can only take so many! Coming here illegally is not only ILLEGAL but it hurts those who try to follow the rules, by making it harder for them to gain resident or citizen status.

Sometimes politics makes me laugh! Often issues are so common-sense but the politicians argue and bicker based on pure partisanship, when deep-down they often agree. They spend more time mis-representing the other person/party than they do articulating their own visions. I make no distinction between Democrat or Republican when I say this! They are equally guilty!

Hillary Clinton for President!!!

I'm not usually too involved in politics. Actually, I generally avoid it! Recently, however, I read on the news that there is a new book about Hillary Clinton, one that will try and trash her reputation and destroy her presidential aspirations.

I've not thought too much about Hillary and her political views up to now, but this news article got me curious! I decided to check up on her views myself and to my surprise, she thinks the same way I do about a lot of issues!!

Her politics are based on the needs and aspirations of the common people, not giant corporations. She has a special interest in our nation's educational and healthcare systems, and has a lot of ideas on how to improve them. As a parent, I can appreciate the concern for our children's schools, and as a hospital employee I can appreciate the need for healthcare reform!!!

In the future I plan to discuss lots more about Hillary and her ideas in this blog. After finding out about her ideas I fervently hope she becomes president someday!!